>>>>> "dovecot---" == dovecot--- via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> writes:

>> We've changed the list dmarc mitigation to happen unconditionally
>> now.
dovecot---> What does "mitigation to happen unconditionally" mean?
dovecot---> What was changed?  Are you talking about changing the
dovecot---> policy action?

You'll notice a different 'From:' address in the emails from the list.
The original author will be in the 'Reply-To:' header. Also
Mailman3 strips the original DKIM signature and insert a new one.

This used to happen only for senders to the list with a dmarc polcy
that would prevent emails getting through; now it's for all senders.

Unless you're filtering based on From: you probably won't notice.

Peter C
dovecot mailing list -- dovecot@dovecot.org
To unsubscribe send an email to dovecot-le...@dovecot.org

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