Ok, very very nice of you to make such redundant setup for these people. For 
such small amount I would just keep one server, and have everyone wait when it 
fails. ;)

Ok with such small user group you do not have any issues with performance with 
any hardware. I was creating recently a test cluster with ceph for a data 
centre move and changed on it the failure domain from host to osd. That worked 
pretty well with just 2 servers. 
So what you could do is run ceph on both servers with osd failure domain and 
use the shared rbd image as a 'replication' alternative. This way you have an 
instant backup available. You don't really need to configure 2 dovecot servers. 
You can move/start the vm from 1 host to the other. 
Actually if all disks fail on host, the vm's on that host keep running, 
connecting to the disks on the other host. Really nice.

> I have two postfix/(replicating)dovecot/rspamd/etc servers, 6-8 human users,
> on a total of 15-20 devices (iOS and macOS)
> Yours,
> Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda> ,
> Mastodon <https://newsie.social/@gctwnl> )
> R&A IT Strategy <https://ea.rna.nl/>  (main site)
> Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture <https://ea.rna.nl/the-
> book/>
> Book: Mastering ArchiMate <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/>
> YouTube Channel <http://www.youtube.com/@GerbenWierda>
>       On 25 Jan 2024, at 10:17, Marc <m...@f1-outsourcing.eu> wrote:
>       How many servers do you have? How many active clients do you have?
>               Respectfully, I would like to ask: please do not remove
> replication, please
>               rethink this.
>               Currently, replication is my life saver. I run two
> postfix/dovecot combos
>               (on different operating systems), with dovecot synchronising via
>               replication. Both are behind a HAProxy running on the router
> (OPNsense), one
>               as active, one as backup.
>               If one of the two fails, the other takes over, and when it comes
> up again
>               everything works fine and is up to date. I have had these kinds
> of system
>               failures (very hard to find and turned to be hardware related)
> and it was
>               the replication that made me survive the issues (even when I was
> far away
>               from my systems). Mail for my small group of users (about 8)
> never went
>               down, no mail message was ever lost, no manual interventions to
> sync were
>               ever needed.
>               If I want to create the same level of availability without
> replication, I
>               need those two dovecots to use shared (NFS cluster) storage. But
> then, I
>               have another single point of failure (NFS storage) again. So, I
> need two
>               separate NFS machines that synchronise, Apart from the nightmare
> of making
>               NFS secure, it means that I need to double my hardware (from two
> systems to
>               four) to be protected against hardware failure (which is my
> goal).
>               The replication service is the perfect small scale solution.
> Together with
>               HAProxy, it enables HA in the most simple and effective way.
> Going the 'NFS
>               cluster' route is not feasible for me, so if replication is
> removed and I am
>               forced to upgrade, I will lose HA.
>               So please, take small scale users like me into account.
>               Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda>, Mastodon
>               <https://newsie.social/@gctwnl>)
>               R&A IT Strategy <https://ea.rna.nl/> (main site)
>               Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture
> <https://ea.rna.nl/the-
>               book/>
>               Book: Mastering ArchiMate <https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-
> iii/>
>               YouTube Channel <http://www.youtube.com/@GerbenWierda>
>                       On 16 Jul 2023, at 18:54, Aki Tuomi via dovecot
> <dovecot@dovecot.org>
>               wrote:
>                       Hi!
>                       Yes, director and replicator are removed, and won't be
> available for pro
>               users either.
>                       For NFS setups (or similar shared setups), we have
> documented a way to use
>               Lua to run a director-like setup, see
>       https://doc.dovecot.org/3.0/configuration_manual/howto/director_with_l
> ua/
>                       Regards to replication, doveadm sync is not being 
> removed.
> So you can
>               still run doveadm sync on your system to have a primary / backup
> setup.
>                       Aki
>                               On 16/07/2023 18:34 EEST William Edwards via 
> dovecot
>               <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
>                               Top posting because nothing specific to reply 
> to,
> sorry. Not exactly
>               sure, but there’s another thread about the removal of Director 
> in
> favour of
>               Dovecot Pro on 3.x. Perhaps this change is related.
>                               William Edwards
>                                       Op 16 jul. 2023 om 16:33 heeft Daniele
> <da...@kernel-panic.it> het
>               volgende geschreven:
>                                       Hello,
>                                       Just like Vladimir, I'm a bit concerned 
> about
> this change, and I'd
>               really appreciate if someone could let us know if the 
> replication
> feature
>               (that works so well!) will be replaced or removed; and, in case
> of removal,
>               what would be recommended replacement?
>                                       Thanks in advance and best regards,
>                                       Daniele
>                                       On 09-Jul-23 9:36 PM, Vladimir Mishonov 
> via
> dovecot wrote:
>                                       Hello everyone.
>                                       Just saw this commit in the official 
> Github
> repo:
>       https://github.com/dovecot/core/commit/4c04e4c30fd4817a8b0e11d04d96811
> 73f696
>               f41#diff-
> 5f643d8b0d1eea65d0f3c749d14d42b25a9d60f0f149bface862f5ff348412c8
>                                       Looking at the commit details, it 
> appears that
> it completely removes
>               the replication feature. I'm a bit perplexed by this change and
> am not sure
>               what might be the justification for it. Personally, I find
> replication to be
>               very useful, as it allows me to maintain a synchronized mirror 
> of
> all of my
>               mailboxes on my home server, for use as backup in case the
> primary server
>               goes down for some reason.
>                                       Perhaps there's some sort of 
> replacement being
> planned for this
>               feature? Or maybe the relevant code is simply going to be
> refactored to a
>               plugin or external program, and there's nothing to worry about 
> at
> all?
>                                       In any case, I'd greatly appreciate if 
> one of
> the developers could
>               comment on this change.
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