On 1/18/24 15:34, Joe Acquisto wrote:
On 1/15/24 15:13, Joe Acquisto wrote:
      A small SOHO system, of installed perhaps a year.  Seems to be
      working and
      wished to add pigeonhole/sieve.
Back to attempting to configure this.  No doubt simple for one more familiar
with dovecot and sundry stuff.
One thing I find unclear is how to set the sieve script location.  Appears to
depend on other choices made earlier.
In this snippet of proposed /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-sieve.conf, gleaned from
various places on the web, seems appropriate for my setup. But, the %d (domain)
and %d (user name) leave me uncertain.
The mail locations chosen earlier contain "u...@somedomain.com" in the path.
Don't see how the propose string accounts for that.
Also unclear is how the user script storage locations get created.  A manual
administrator task, or created "on the fly" by the system, once properly
And, is it required to have a "default" script and location even if none is
#  sieve = file:~/sieve;active=~/.dovecot.sieve

Appears that %u should replace /%d/%n in my case?

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