> Do these two share a single user ID, or do they use separate IDs? Think
> about file/directory ownership and permissions. If user IDs 123 and 234
> attempt use the same directory, things will break. User 123 should not
> be able to delete a file owned by user 234, for example.

yes, same UID/GID because they are infact the same user.
What I was hoping to do was to either tell dovecot they are infact the
same or mask one of them so dovecot ignored one.  I guess that's not

> Perhaps have a look at your setup, and verify that you are matching
> multiple logins to a single OS user ID only. For example, you can use
> LDAP login to map an arbitrary login name to a given UID. This works
> nicely with Dovecot.

I am trying to keep things simple.  I would rather drop support for
the system /etc/passwd file and move every user into the dovecot users
file before moving to ldap.  My setup would not warrent that.

Dave McGuire had a similar idea of using an SQL stored proc which also
probably would have worked but just too complicated for what i'm doing.

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