>       The problem is a bit what everyone understands as s3. I associate
> this indeed also with an http endpoint on object storage. But the ceph
> plugin skips this http and talks directly to object store. I don't think
> you would like to operate on this http level. If I look at this page of
> ceph[1], it also looks like you do not want to get yourself involved in
> deduplication.
>       [1]
>       https://docs.ceph.com/en/reef/dev/deduplication/
> Moreover, following Filip remark about block deduplication, having any kind
> of deduplication that is not optimized for the email case (where
> attachments are always embed in slightly different documents) would make it
> ineffective.

Dovecot has this option to store attachments separately not? So I am not sure 
this is then still a problem. 

> Is it really worse bothering deploying a whole Ceph cluster for that ?

No you should not get ceph just for this. But ceph brings you nice redundancy, 
distributed storage. I am totally fan of it.
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