Dear Laura, please don't spread FUD that you made up.

Dsync is not going anywhere, and we are not close-sourcing Dovecot Core. There 
is not a trove of code going into Dovecot 3.0 that "never sees the daylight".

Thank you,

> On 13/10/2023 21:10 EEST Laura Smith via dovecot <> wrote:
> TL;DR If you are a Dovecot Community user, don't waste your time reading the 
> Dovecot Pro release notes.
> To expand:
> I think you have to understand that lots of things that are going into 
> Dovecot 3 (Pro) will never see the light of day in the community edition.
> In addition, Dovecot have publicly quite plainly announced in public that 
> they are actively removing all multi-server related functionality from 
> Dovecot Community.
> I don't think the community has quite yet grasped it.  Things like dsync will 
> be GONE in the community version.
> If you don't believe me, look at this video, about 15 minutes in:
> ------- Original Message -------
> On Friday, October 13th, 2023 at 17:15, Sebastian Marsching 
> <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am currently in the process of planning a new deployment of Dovecot. I 
> > was planning to use mdbox or sdbox with “mail_attachment_fs = sis posix”, 
> > but I stumbled across the following notice in the documentation for Dovecot 
> > 3.0 
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