
Thanks. The other utility I would be using is the Roundcube webmail
password plugin.  Still trying to figure the best option.

More opinions?

On 6/24/23, Robert Lister <r...@lentil.org> wrote:
> I did a similar upgrade, and now in the process of migrating from
> to BLF-CRYPT with an appropriately set rounds, as I think the default
> rounds
> is a little low.
> A good write-up on migrating passwords and calculating the rounds:
> https://kaworu.ch/blog/2016/04/20/strong-crypt-scheme-with-dovecot-postfixadmin-and-roundcube/
> I would take into consideration the following factors when deciding the
> hashing algo.
> 1. Other tools/scripts that need to update or check passwords in the
> database,
>     for example:
>     - roundcube webmail has a plugin to allow users to change their
> password
>       using a variety of methods.
>     - postfixadmin
>     For a long time, bcrypt wasn't natively supported by either the
> version of php
>     or underlying OS libs, so these tools had to rely on calling "doveadm
> pw "
>     to generate BLF-CRYPT hashes. And assumed that doveadm was available
>     on the same server as it.
>     The latest versions support bcrypt and newer hashing algos natively.
>     Some tools might rely on the database (mysql/mariadb) to hash
> passwords, so
>     this may also be a consideration.
> 2. Server load / libs:
>     - The Dovecot docs:
> https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/authentication/password_schemes/
>       has this to say on ARGON2I/ARGON2ID:
>       "Argon2 is the winner of password hashing competition held at July
> 2015. The password will
>        start with $argon2i$ or $argon2id$. You can use -r to tune
> computational complexity,
>        minimum is 3. ARGON2ID is only available if your libsodium is
> recent enough.
>        ARGON2 can require quite a hefty amount of virtual memory, so we
> recommend that you set
>        service auth { vsz_limit = 2G } at least, or more."
> There's a good write up of considering the various algos:
> https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Password_Storage_Cheat_Sheet.html
> I considered BLF-CRYPT (for the time being) to be strong enough and a
> good balance between compatibility, strength and server load, given the
> number of users etc.
> Rob
> On 2023-06-23 02:14, David Mehler wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm migrating to a new server. It's running Debian 11 currently though
>> that's going 12 this weekend. Currently it uses Openssl v3.0.9, and
>> dovecot 2.3.13 and MySQL (in this case Mariadb) for storing user
>> account information v10.6.14. My question is in regards password
>> storage and scheme/encryption/salts.
>> Currently they are stored in Mariadb password field with a type of
>> varchar and a 255 character length, and are stored as SHA512-CRYPT.
>> I'm wondering if I should keep this as is or when I migrate go to
>> another scheme? I'm thinking argon2i, argon2d, argon2id, sha512,
>> sha512-crypt, tiger2, saltt?
> --
> Robert Lister  - email:  r...@lentil.org      -     tel: 020 7043 7996
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