ok just a suggestion

Dovecot supports idle to inform clients of message updates

this works well with most clients


microsoft outlook & other microsoft email clients do not seem to support idle and have not since outlook2010

Microsoft want everyone using outlook / exchange 365 ??

I have not tried windows mail (sorry no need for using that)

I do however find that thunderbird on windows is the best client out there.

If you need to use microsoft email clients then you will need to set the fetch email intervals to like 5 minutes or whatever is good for you, most microsoft is set for 30 minute sync's

also note this is also an issue with iphone as email servers need to send push notifications to the apple in order to notify the end user of a new/changed email box. this has been the case since ios 10. again you need to set fetch intervals for stuff to be updated.


Happy Wednesday !!!
Thanks - paul

Paul Kudla

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On 2023-06-14 12:58 p.m., dovecot-boun...@dovecot.org wrote:
The issue seems to be with the clients (an update maybe?), not the server.

do you have console/root access to dovecot and files?

On 6/14/23 11:17, Michael Grant via dovecot wrote:

I’m having synchronization issues in imap. I am accessing my mail from several different imap clients: K9 on Android, Windows 11 and 10 mail client, and Android Gmail app.  Both desktop and laptop, tablet, phone.  I know I have more than the usual number of imap connections...

Often when I delete a message in one place, it doesn’t get deleted in another.  For example, if I delete a message on K9 then open my laptop, it’s still there in W11 Mail.  But just now, I deleted some messages on my laptop and swiped down on K9 and the message disappeared on K9.  But K9 shows other messages which have been deleted in Windows 11 Mail.  I’ve not yet been able to figure out a pattern.  It’s annoying me.  I have to delete messages in several different places.  Messages not coming back, they’re just not being deleted in one place and that delete operation is not syncing to the others.

Messages seem to be being marked as read properly across devices. This seems to be an issue with delete only, so far as I’ve noticed.

I’ve long been using multiple imap clients, this syncing issue started maybe 6 to 8 months ago.

Is there a good way to get debugging info out of dovecot as to what the clients are doing?

Or does anyone have any advise which might help resolve this without resorting to me digging into the imap protocol?

Michael Grant

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