I started full reindex of whole emails base (doveadm index -A '*') and
solr crashed due to out of memory. I had plenty of such messages:
doveadm(gzt): Error: fts_solr: Indexing failed: Connection lost:
read((conn:,id=621)) failed: EOF (Request queued 40.832
secs ago, 1 send attempts in 39.359 secs, 0.002 in http ioloop, 0.000 in
other ioloops, connected 704.138 secs ago)
doveadm(gzt): Error: Mailbox Sent: Precache for UID=4036 failed:
Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information.
[2023-05-20 06:01:40]
doveadm(gzt): Error: Mailbox Sent: Transaction commit failed: FTS
transaction commit failed: backend deinit
I increased solr memory and restarted it. Do I have to restart dovedam
index? The "request queued" message suggest that Dovecot is smart and I
don't need to do anything. Am I right? (Any way to confirm that indeed
everything was indexed?)
Przemyslaw Kwiatkowski
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