
> Andrey Repin wrote:
>> > > Apr  7 12:00:21 mxs dovecot: imap(vera): Error:
>> > rename(/home/vera/.mail/INBOX/Майя
>> > Николаевна/new/,S=5442,W=5513:2,ST,
>> > /home/vera/.mail/INBOX/Майя
>> > Николаевна/cur/,S=5442,W=5513:2,ST)
>> >  failed: Too many links

> Looks like dovecot is trying to move the file from 'new' to 'cur' and failing.

> 'new' is where it puts new messages until something reads them and then they 
> get moved to 'cur'.

> What filesystem / OS is it?

Ubuntu 18.04 in an LXC container. The underlying storage is a BTRFS subvolume.
(Thus the idea that there's not enough directory resources seems implausible,

> It seems to point to some problem with the underlying filesystem reaching 
> some maximum number of
> subdirectories or hard links, e.g.:


> It is interesting that you use maildir but with LAYOUT=fs

No, it really not THAT interesting, as it allows for readable directory
structure rather than some UTF-7-encoded garbage.

> Also look at:

>  - as there are some limits 
> mentioned.


…your reply, and an additional off-list mail of one other list participant,
led me to attempt to trigger a maintenance check (dedupe+compact) of the
directory in question from the mail client.

It resulted in a success, removing a number of duplicated messages and
cleaning up stale deleted entries.

As a precaution, I asked the owner to run a full mailbox maintenance in their
free time. After that was done, I noticed another directory with similar
symptoms by additional two error lines in the log, but they never reoccurred.

I no longer see the overwhelming spam of these messages in the logs, so I
tentatively consider the issue resolved for the time being.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 20:14:37

Sorry for my terrible english...
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