
now i found another error. When i click on an email in the client its marked an read or unread when i mark it that way. Now when i change the folder and come back to the shared folder the mail i just read is unread again. When i restart the Mail client it will be displayed like it should be but it always needs that restart of the mail client. I also tried 3 different mail clients to exclude the error from the mail client.

Am 08.12.22 um 10:58 schrieb Aki Tuomi:
Either configure mail_home, return home from ldap, or use absolute directory 
instead of %h.

I see you have mail_location which points to /var/mail/user, this makes 
everyone use the same location, unless you overwrite this in your ldap query.

You could replace %h/public with /var/mail/user/%u/shared/public i guess.


On 08/12/2022 11:56 EET Maurice Kunze <maurice.ku...@hightec-rt.com> wrote:


thanks for the explanation. I implemented it but then i get the
following error in the logs:

Error: userdb didn't return a home directory, but location used it (%h):

I authenticate the users via LDAP (Active Directory)

Am 08.12.22 um 10:28 schrieb Aki Tuomi:
location = maildir:/var/mail/public:INDEXPVT=%h/public

Probably works better. INDEXPVT needs to point to a *per-user* location. Now 
you're just sharing them with everyone.


On 08/12/2022 11:07 EET Maurice Kunze <maurice.ku...@hightec-rt.com> wrote:


i want to configure seen flags per user for shared public mailboxes in
dovecot. I have added the INDEVPVT Option to the location parameter in
the namespace and restarted the services and the server.
Unfortunately nothing changed and there are still global seen flags in
the configuration. In a post i read that i have to manually add some
files to the location but this isnt specified in the documentation.

below is the version we use and the config.

dovecot --version
2.3.13 (89f716dc2)

dovecot -n

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