Over the last several months we have seen what seems like large delays in email 
delivery as well,  we get emails at 11AM that are time stamped at 9:10.  I 
thought it was a networking issue, but I can’t be sure.  I wish I knew more 
about coding, to look under the hood to examine things further.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 23, 2022, at 7:17 AM, Voytek Eymont <voy...@sbt.net.au> wrote:
>> On Sat, October 22, 2022 11:29 am, Joseph Tam wrote:
>> I haven't seen anyone else replying, but there doesn't seem anything
>> anomalous with the output.  The session commands-repliesd is is more or
>> less what I expect, although to make sense of this, you'll have to splice
>> the input and output files together using timestamps to see the sequential
>> flow of data.
> ...
>> Typically, if some resource limit is hit, one side or the other will
>> create a log or notification.  Your INBOX is large, but not outrageous. You
>> can test it directly by creating smaller subsets of the INBOX messages and
>> see if the problem goes away.
> Joseph,
> thank you very much for the follow up!
> you won't believe it, literally minutes before your email I got this email
> from the 'problem user' (below)
> thank you to all who responded!
> - I guess if TB debug log was enabled (as was suggested)- maybe the issue
> would become apparent from TB debug log ?
> - I guess i should encourage POP users to switch to IMAP anyhow ?
> got this from problem user:
> ---------------
> Mozilla Thunderbird released an update which I just installed.
> Problem solved.
> I guess Tbird had a problem that the new release addressed.
> I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
> I'm mystified why my issue was only with one account. Perhaps it was
> something to do with the size of the database.
> ---------------
> yesterday it was
> ---------------
> I'm still experiencing a 40 second delay to retrieve emails for
> xxx
> I have changed the pop port to 110 for the server but that did not
> work at all.
> I have reinstalled my email client TBird but no change, anyway all the
> other accounts on TBird are working ok but they are MAPI not POP.
> Voytek

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