On September 8, 2022 8:21:13 PM GMT+02:00, Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay 
<r...@med-lo.eu> wrote:
>I actually have a theory now, after reading this on Dovecot’s documentation:
>"Regardless of the value for listener’s ssl setting, some services will still 
>try to initialize encryption if global ssl is on. This is for example done to 
>accommodate STARTTLS commands for IMAP/SUBMISSION/LMTP protocols. In other 
>words, ssl is truly disabled only when global ssl is turned off.»
>Could this be an explanation as to why roundcube only connects successfully to 
>managesieve when configured to connect to the hostname that’s on my ssl 
>certificates, even when I turn ssl off?
No, you have to tell roundcube in it's configuration to not check the name on 
the certificate. This was on this mailinglist a few months back, check this and 
the following messages
Christian Kivalo

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