Hi,   I'm searching for a possibility to have the rawlog feature in lua, which 
would be much easier for processing. Currently Dovecot, when activating rawlog 
for a user, writes everything to disk (which creates I/O), and I have to 
somehow read it from there. That's a bit complicated, because I have to get 
notified via inotify or similar when there are new files created, and then I 
have to start a "tail" or "epoll" mechanism on the files to get the contents in 
more or less real time (IMAP sessions can be multiple hours or days).   It 
would be much easier to hook to the "raw request and response events" inside 
Dovecot and have the rawlog-data in a lua script, where I can prepare it and 
send it to another maschine for monitoring/collection/analysis/statistics or 
similar, for example via HTTP.   Having the rawlog data available in lua would 
make things a lot easier.   Is there any possibility at the moment to create a 
lua script and "hook" to those "request and response events"? If not, would it 
be possible to add that feature in the future?   Kind regards

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