ok until someone fixes the folder count (or i figure that out)

the errors will stay on the replicator side and i use that error (knowing they are not replicating) coming back to trigger a background dsync with a python script through doveadm (seems to work)

but this is a hack.

[05:41:37] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /programs/lib
# sync.users
n...@elirpa.com high 00:06:41 503:54:00 - y ke...@elirpa.com high 00:06:20 503:52:42 - y p...@scom.ca high 00:06:40 503:53:50 - y e...@scom.ca high 00:06:42 503:54:00 - y ed.ha...@dssmgmt.com high 00:06:41 503:53:57 - y p...@paulkudla.net high 00:06:43 503:54:02 620:42:06 y

[05:41:46] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /programs/lib
# cat /programs/common/sync.users
doveadm replicator status '*' | grep '   y'

crontab :

*/10 * * * * root /usr/bin/nohup /programs/common/sync.recover > /dev/null

# cat /programs/common/sync.recover

#Force sync between servers that are reporting bad?

import os,sys,django,socket
from optparse import OptionParser

from lib import *

#Sample Re-Index MB
#doveadm -D force-resync -u p...@scom.ca -f INBOX*

usage: %%prog %s[options]

parser = OptionParser(usage=USAGE_TEXT % '', version='0.4')

parser.add_option("-m", "--send_to", dest="send_to", help="Send Email To")
parser.add_option("-e", "--email", dest="email_box", help="Box to Index")
parser.add_option("-d", "--detail",action='store_true', dest="detail",default =False, help="Detailed report") parser.add_option("-i", "--index",action='store_true', dest="index",default =False, help="Index")

options, args = parser.parse_args()

print (options.email_box)
print (options.send_to)
print (options.detail)


print ('Getting Current User Sync Status')
command = commands("/usr/local/bin/doveadm replicator status '*'")

#print command

sync_user_status = command.output.split('\n')

#print sync_user_status

synced = []

for n in range(1,len(sync_user_status)) :
        user = sync_user_status[n]
        print ('Processing User : %s' %user.split(' ')[0])
        if user.split(' ')[0] != options.email_box :
                if options.email_box != None :

        if options.index == True :
command = '/usr/local/bin/doveadm -D force-resync -u %s -f INBOX*' %user.split(' ')[0]
                command = commands(command)
                command = command.output

        #print user
        for nn in range (len(user)-1,0,-1) :
                #print nn
                #print user[nn]

                if user[nn] == '-' :
                        #print 'skipping ... %s' %user.split(' ')[0]


                if user[nn] == 'y': #Found a Bad Mailbox
                        print ('syncing ... %s' %user.split(' ')[0])

                        if options.detail == True :
command = '/usr/local/bin/doveadm -D sync -u %s -d -N -l 30 -U' %user.split(' ')[0]
                                print (command)
                                command = commands(command)
                                command = command.output.split('\n')
                                print (command)
print ('Processed Mailbox for ... %s' %user.split(' ')[0] ) synced.append('Processed Mailbox for ... %s' %user.split(' ')[0])
                                for nnn in range(len(command)):
                                        synced.append(command[nnn] + '\n')

                        if options.detail == False :
#command = '/usr/local/bin/doveadm -D sync -u %s -d -N -l 30 -U' %user.split(' ')[0]
                                #print (command)
                                #command = os.system(command)
command = subprocess.Popen( ["/usr/local/bin/doveadm sync -u %s -d -N -l 30 -U" %user.split(' ')[0] ], \ shell = True, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True)

print ( 'Processed Mailbox for ... %s' %user.split(' ')[0] ) synced.append('Processed Mailbox for ... %s' %user.split(' ')[0])

if len(synced) != 0 :
        #send email showing bad synced boxes ?

        if options.send_to != None :
                send_from = 'moni...@scom.ca'
                send_to = ['%s' %options.send_to]
send_subject = 'Dovecot Bad Sync Report for : %s' %(socket.gethostname())
                send_text = '\n\n'
                for n in range (len(synced)) :
                        send_text = send_text + synced[n] + '\n'

                send_files = []
sendmail (send_from, send_to, send_subject, send_text, send_files)


Lib3 (lib.py) my general libary load

# cat lib3.py
#Python Library written by paul kudla (c) 2011

#Load the librarys for the system

import os,sys,time,socket
import string
from ftplib import FTP
from decimal import *
from datetime import date
import datetime
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate
from email import encoders
import subprocess

getcontext().prec = 20

class commands:
        def __init__(self,command) :
                self.command = command
                #print (self.command)
                self.output = 'Error'
                self.status = '255'

                #rc, gopath = subprocess.getstatusoutput('ls -a')

self.status, self.output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(self.command)

                  self.cr = self.output.split('\n')
                except :
                  self.cr = []
                  self.count = len(self.cr)
                except :
                  self.count = 0

                self.status = int(self.status)

#return count=number of lines, cr = lines split, getoutput = actual output returned, status = return code


#Email with attachment
class sendmail:
def __init__(self, send_from, send_to, send_subject, send_text, send_files):
        #send_from, send_to, send_subject, send_text, send_files):
                #print ('lib.py sending email')
                assert type(send_to)==list
                assert type(send_files)==list

                msg = MIMEMultipart()
                msg['From'] = send_from
                msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(send_to)
                msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
                msg['Subject'] = send_subject

                msg.attach( MIMEText(send_text) )

                for f in send_files:
                        part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream")
                        part.set_payload( open(f,"rb").read() )
part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(f))

                try : #Send Local?
                        smtp = smtplib.SMTP('mail.local.scom.ca')
                        #print ('Sending Email to : %s' %send_to)
                        smtp.sendmail(send_from, send_to, msg.as_string())

                except :
                        smtp = smtplib.SMTP('mail.scom.ca')
                        #print ('Sending Email to : %s' %send_to)
                        smtp.sendmail(send_from, send_to, msg.as_string())

class getdatetime:
        def __init__(self):
                self.datetime = datetime.date.today()
                self.datetime_now = datetime.datetime.now()
                self.date = str( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") )
                self.date_long = str( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") )
                self.date_short = str( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") )
                self.time =  str( time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") )
self.date_time_sec = self.datetime_now.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")

#Return edi senddate string (short) 2011-10-31 into 111031

class create_ascii :
        def __init__(self,string_data) :
                self.string_data = str(string_data)
                import string
                self.printable = set(string.printable)
self.list = list(filter(lambda x: x in self.printable, self.string_data))
                #print (self.list)

                self.ascii = ''
                for n in range (0,len(self.list)) :
                        self.ascii = self.ascii + self.list[n]
                self.ascii = str(self.ascii)


class edi_send_date_short:
        def __init__(self, senddate):
                self.date = senddate
self.result = self.date[2] + self.date[3] + self.date[5] + self.date[6] + self.date[8] + self.date[9]

        def __str__(self):
                return '%s' % self.result

##Return edi senddate string (long) 2011-10-31 into 20111031
class edi_send_date_long:
        def __init__(self, senddate):
                self.date = senddate
self.result1 = self.date[0] + self.date[1] + self.date[2] + self.date[3] + self.date[5] + self.date[6] + self.date[8] + self.date[9] self.result2 = self.date[2] + self.date[3] + self.date[5] + self.date[6] + self.date[8] + self.date[9]

        def __str__(self):
                return '%s' % (self.result1,self.result2)

class gpsdeg:
        def __init__(self, dms):
                self.dms = dms
                self.is_positive = self.dms >= 0
                self.dms = abs(self.dms)
                self.minutes,self.seconds = divmod(self.dms*3600,60)
                self.degrees,self.minutes = divmod(self.minutes,60)
self.degrees = self.degrees if self.is_positive else -self.degrees

        def __str__(self):
                return '%s' % (self.degrees,self.minutes,self.seconds)

class degdir:
        def __init__(self, degrees):
self.direction_data = ['N','348.75','11.25','NNE', '11.25','33.75','NE','33.75','56.25','ENE', '56.25','78.75','E','78.75','101.25','ESE','101.25','123.75','SE','123.75','146.25','SSE','146.25','168.75','S','168.75','191.25','SSW','191.25','213.75','SW','213.75','236.25','WSW','236.25','258.75','W','258.75','281.25','WNW','281.25','303.75','NW','303.75','326.25','NNW','326.25','348.75']

        def __str__(self):
                return '%s' % (self.direction)

class gettime:
        def __init__(self):
                self.uu = time.localtime()

                self.todaystime = str(self.uu[3]) #get the hr

                if int(self.uu[3]) < 10: #add a zero
                        self.todaystime = '0' + self.todaystime
                if int(self.uu[4]) < 10: #add a zero in front
self.todaystime = self.todaystime +":0"+str(self.uu[4])
self.todaystime = self.todaystime +":"+str(self.uu[4])

        def __str__(self):
                return self.todaystime

class array2dbstring:
        def __init__(self,array):
                self.data = array
                for self.nn in range(0,len(self.data)):
print ('Data %s \t\t %s' % (str(self.data[self.nn]),str( type(self.data[self.nn])) ) ) #change all data into strings
                        self.a = type(self.data[self.nn])
                        self.a = str(self.a)
                        if 'Decimal' in self.a :
                                self.n = str(self.data[self.nn])
                                #self.n = self.n.lstrip("'")
                                #self.n = self.n.rstrip("'")
#self.data[self.nn] = float(self.data[self.nn])
                                self.data[self.nn] = str('0.00')
                                print (self.n)

                        if 'NoneType' in self.a :
                                self.data[self.nn] = ''
                        if 'datetime.datetime' in self.a :
#self.data[self.nn] = str(self.data[self.nn])
                                self.data[self.nn] = '2012-01-25 00:00:00'
                self.data = str(self.data)
                self.data = self.data.lstrip('[')
                self.data = self.data.rstrip(']')
                self.data = self.data.replace("'NULL'","NULL")
                #self.data = self.data.replace(" '',", ",")
                #self.data = self.data.replace(" '0.00'","'100'")

        def __str__(self):
                return self.data

class get_hostname:
        def __init__(self):
                self.hostname = socket.gethostname()

Happy Tuesday !!!
Thanks - paul

Paul Kudla

Scom.ca Internet Services <http://www.scom.ca>
004-1009 Byron Street South
Whitby, Ontario - Canada
L1N 4S3

Toronto 416.642.7266
Main 1.866.411.7266
Fax 1.888.892.7266

On 4/25/2022 7:54 AM, Sebastian Marske wrote:

Hi there,

thanks for your insights and for diving deeper into this Paul!

For me, the users ending up in 'Waiting for dsync to finish' all have
more than 256 Imap folders as well (ranging from 288 up to >5500; as per
'doveadm mailbox list -u <username> | wc -l'). For more details on my
setup please see my post from February [1].

@Arnaud: What OS are you running on?


[1] https://dovecot.org/pipermail/dovecot/2022-February/124168.html

On 4/24/22 19:36, Paul Kudla (SCOM.CA Internet Services Inc.) wrote:

Question having similiar replication issues

pls read everything below and advise the folder counts on the
non-replicated users?

i find  the total number of folders / account seems to be a factor and
NOT the size of the mail box

ie i have customers with 40G of emails no problem over 40 or so folders
and it works ok

300+ folders seems to be the issue

i have been going through the replication code

no errors being logged

i am assuming that the replication --> dhclient --> other server is
timing out or not reading the folder lists correctly (ie dies after X
folders read)

thus i am going through the code patching for log entries etc to find
the issues.


[13:33:57] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /usr/local/var/lib/dovecot
# ll
total 86
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  uarch    4B Apr 24 11:11 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel  uarch    4B Mar  8  2021 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  uarch   73B Apr 24 11:11 instances
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  uarch  160K Apr 24 13:33 replicator.db

[13:33:58] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /usr/local/var/lib/dovecot

replicator.db seems to get updated ok but never processed properly.

# sync.users
n...@elirpa.com                   high     00:09:41  463:47:01 -     y
ke...@elirpa.com                  high     00:09:23  463:45:43 -     y
p...@scom.ca                      high     00:09:41  463:46:51 -     y
e...@scom.ca                        high     00:09:43  463:47:01 -     y
ed.ha...@dssmgmt.com              high     00:09:42  463:46:58 -     y
p...@paulkudla.net                high     00:09:44  463:47:03 580:35:07

so ....

two things :

first to get the production stuff to work i had to write a script that
whould find the bad sync's and the force a dsync between the servers

i run this every five minutes or each server.

in crontab

*/10    *                *    *    *    root            /usr/bin/nohup
/programs/common/sync.recover > /dev/null

python script to sort things out

# cat /programs/common/sync.recover

#Force sync between servers that are reporting bad?

import os,sys,django,socket
from optparse import OptionParser

from lib import *

#Sample Re-Index MB
#doveadm -D force-resync -u p...@scom.ca -f INBOX*

usage: %%prog %s[options]

parser = OptionParser(usage=USAGE_TEXT % '', version='0.4')

parser.add_option("-m", "--send_to", dest="send_to", help="Send Email To")
parser.add_option("-e", "--email", dest="email_box", help="Box to Index")
parser.add_option("-d", "--detail",action='store_true',
dest="detail",default =False, help="Detailed report")
parser.add_option("-i", "--index",action='store_true',
dest="index",default =False, help="Index")

options, args = parser.parse_args()

print (options.email_box)
print (options.send_to)
print (options.detail)


print ('Getting Current User Sync Status')
command = commands("/usr/local/bin/doveadm replicator status '*'")

#print command

sync_user_status = command.output.split('\n')

#print sync_user_status

synced = []

for n in range(1,len(sync_user_status)) :
         user = sync_user_status[n]
         print ('Processing User : %s' %user.split(' ')[0])
         if user.split(' ')[0] != options.email_box :
                 if options.email_box != None :

         if options.index == True :
                 command = '/usr/local/bin/doveadm -D force-resync -u %s
-f INBOX*' %user.split(' ')[0]
                 command = commands(command)
                 command = command.output

         #print user
         for nn in range (len(user)-1,0,-1) :
                 #print nn
                 #print user[nn]

                 if user[nn] == '-' :
                         #print 'skipping ... %s' %user.split(' ')[0]


                 if user[nn] == 'y': #Found a Bad Mailbox
                         print ('syncing ... %s' %user.split(' ')[0])

                         if options.detail == True :
                                 command = '/usr/local/bin/doveadm -D
sync -u %s -d -N -l 30 -U' %user.split(' ')[0]
                                 print (command)
                                 command = commands(command)
                                 command = command.output.split('\n')
                                 print (command)
                                 print ('Processed Mailbox for ... %s'
%user.split(' ')[0] )
                                 synced.append('Processed Mailbox for ...
%s' %user.split(' ')[0])
                                 for nnn in range(len(command)):
                                         synced.append(command[nnn] + '\n')

                         if options.detail == False :
                                 #command = '/usr/local/bin/doveadm -D
sync -u %s -d -N -l 30 -U' %user.split(' ')[0]
                                 #print (command)
                                 #command = os.system(command)
                                 command = subprocess.Popen(
["/usr/local/bin/doveadm sync -u %s -d -N -l 30 -U" %user.split(' ')[0]
], \
                                 shell = True, stdin=None, stdout=None,
stderr=None, close_fds=True)

                                 print ( 'Processed Mailbox for ... %s'
%user.split(' ')[0] )
                                 synced.append('Processed Mailbox for ...
%s' %user.split(' ')[0])

if len(synced) != 0 :
         #send email showing bad synced boxes ?

         if options.send_to != None :
                 send_from = 'moni...@scom.ca'
                 send_to = ['%s' %options.send_to]
                 send_subject = 'Dovecot Bad Sync Report for : %s'
                 send_text = '\n\n'
                 for n in range (len(synced)) :
                         send_text = send_text + synced[n] + '\n'

                 send_files = []
                 sendmail (send_from, send_to, send_subject, send_text,


second :

i posted this a month ago - no response

please appreciate that i am trying to help ....

after much testing i can now reporduce the replication issues at hand

I am running on freebsd 12 & 13 stable (both test and production servers)

sdram drives etc ...

Basically replication works fine until reaching a folder quantity of ~
256 or more

to reproduce using doveadm i created folders like

and so forth ......

I created 200 folders and they replicated ok on both servers

I created another 200 (400 total) and the replicator got stuck and would
not update the mbox on the alternate server anymore and is still
updating 4 days later ?

basically replicator goes so far and either hangs or more likely bails
on an error that is not reported to the debug reporting ?

however dsync will sync the two servers but only when run manually (ie
all the folders will sync)

I have two test servers avaliable if you need any kind of access - again
here to help.

[07:28:42] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] ~
# sync.status
Queued 'sync' requests        0
Queued 'high' requests        6
Queued 'low' requests         0
Queued 'failed' requests      0
Queued 'full resync' requests 0
Waiting 'failed' requests     0
Total number of known users   255

username                       type        status
p...@scom.ca                   normal      Waiting for dsync to finish
ke...@elirpa.com               incremental Waiting for dsync to finish
ed.ha...@dssmgmt.com           incremental Waiting for dsync to finish
e...@scom.ca                     incremental Waiting for dsync to finish
n...@elirpa.com                incremental Waiting for dsync to finish
p...@paulkudla.net             incremental Waiting for dsync to finish

i have been going through the c code and it seems the replication gets
requested ok

replicator.db does get updated ok with the replicated request for the
mbox in question.

however i am still looking for the actual replicator function in the
lib's that do the actual replication requests

the number of folders & subfolders is defanately the issue - not the
mbox pyhsical size as thought origionally.

if someone can point me in the right direction, it seems either the
replicator is not picking up on the number of folders to replicat
properly or it has a hard set limit like 256 / 512 / 65535 etc and stops
the replication request thereafter.

I am mainly a machine code programmer from the 80's and have
concentrated on python as of late, 'c' i am starting to go through just
to give you a background on my talents.

It took 2 months to finger this out.

this issue also seems to be indirectly causing the duplicate messages
supression not to work as well.

python programming to reproduce issue (loops are for last run started @
200 - fyi) :

# cat mbox.gen

import os,sys

from lib import *

user = 'p...@paulkudla.net'

for count in range (0,600) :
         box = 'INBOX/folder-%s' %count
         print count
         command = '/usr/local/bin/doveadm mailbox create -s -u %s %s'
         print command
         a = commands.getoutput(command)
         print a

for count in range (0,600) :
         box = 'INBOX/folder-0/sub-%' %count
         print count
         command = '/usr/local/bin/doveadm mailbox create -s -u %s %s'
         print command
         a = commands.getoutput(command)
         print a


Happy Sunday !!!
Thanks - paul

Paul Kudla

Scom.ca Internet Services <http://www.scom.ca>
004-1009 Byron Street South
Whitby, Ontario - Canada
L1N 4S3

Toronto 416.642.7266
Main 1.866.411.7266
Fax 1.888.892.7266

On 4/24/2022 10:22 AM, Arnaud Abélard wrote:

I am working on replicating a server (and adding compression on the
other side) and since I had "Error: dsync I/O has stalled, no activity
for 600 seconds (version not received)" errors I upgraded both source
and destination server with the latest 2.3 version (2.3.18). While
before the upgrade all the 15 replication connections were busy after
upgrading dovecot replicator dsync-status shows that most of the time
nothing is being replicated at all. I can see some brief replications
that last, but 99,9% of the time nothing is happening at all.

I have a replication_full_sync_interval of 12 hours but I have
thousands of users with their last full sync over 90 hours ago.

"doveadm replicator status" also shows that i have over 35,000 queued
full resync requests, but no sync, high or low queued requests so why
aren't the full requests occuring?

There are no errors in the logs.



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