> On 20/01/2022 14:11 Christian Küppers <c.kuepp...@onoffice.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> we got the same backtrace in dovecot-ee version 2:2.3.17-8+ubuntu20.04 as
> Andreas Piper mentioned in November 2021 
> https://dovecot.org/pipermail/dovecot/2021-November/123468.html after 
> installing dovecot package updates.
> Panic: file ioloop.c: line 865 (io_loop_destroy): assertion failed: (ioloop 
> == current_ioloop)
> Error: Raw backtrace: #0 t_askpass[0x7fc609b0eba0] -> #1 
> backtrace_append[0x7fc609b0ee00] -> #2 backtrace_get[0x7fc609b0ef70] -> #3 
> i_syslog_error_handler[0x7fc609b1bfa0] -> #4 
> i_syslog_fatal_handler[0x7fc609b1c0d0] -> #5 i_panic[0x7fc609a6f1af] -> #6 
> i_error[0x7fc609a72906] -> #7 doveadm_http_server_deinit[0x55abd194af90] -> 
> #8 doveadm_print_stream[0x55abd19447b0] -> #9 
> doveadm_print_istream[0x55abd1944810] -> #10 
> expunge_search_args_check[0x55abd1936a00] -> #11 
> expunge_search_args_check[0x55abd1935860] -> #12 
> doveadm_dsync_main[0x55abd1932900] -> #13 
> doveadm_cmd_ver2_to_mail_cmd_wrapper[0x55abd1933890] -> #14 
> doveadm_cmd_run_ver2[0x55abd1943fb0] -> #15 
> doveadm_server_deinit[0x55abd1948760] -> #16 io_loop_call_io[0x7fc609b32440] 
> -> #17 io_loop_handler_run_internal[0x7fc609b33a00] -> #18 
> io_loop_handler_run[0x7fc609b32500] -> #19 io_loop_run[0x7fc609b32680] -> #20 
> master_service_run[0x7fc609aa4780] -> #21 main[0x55abd1923820] -> #22 
> __libc_start_main[0x7fc60970efc0] -> #23 _start[0x55abd1923980]
> Error: doveadm server disconnected before handshake: EOF
> Command fetch failed for <mailbox>: EOF
> We got it during doveadm fetch of a mail on multiple mailboxes.
> Is there any progress on this? Will it be fixed in next release?
> Kind regards,
> Christian Küppers
> Expert Administrator
> onOffice GmbH
> Charlottenburger Allee 5 | 52068 Aachen
> Tel. +49 (0)241 446 86-0  | Fax. +49 (0)241 446 86-250
> E-Mail:c.kuepp...@onoffice.de| Web:www.onOffice.com
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Aachen, HRB 21420
> Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Kfm. Stefan Mantl
> Prokuristen: Janosch Reuschenbach, Kristina Andresen, Christian Mähringer


We are tracking this as DOV-5050, and working on a fix.


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