Hi there,

I've updated Dovecot from v2.3.14 (cee3cbc0d) to v2.3.17 (e2aa53df5b).
Right after the update, dovecot begun flooding the mail.log and
PostgreSQL's log.

My dict sql configuration:
,--[ .../dovecot/dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext ]--
| map {
|   pattern = priv/quota/storage
|   table = userquota
|   username_field = uid
|   value_field = bytes
| }
| map {
|   pattern = priv/quota/messages
|   table = userquota
|   username_field = uid
|   value_field = messages
| }

This worked for decades. Since the update dovecot is passing the user's
email address, instead the user's UID to the query. And therefor I have
lots of errors in the log files: see attached `mail.log' and
`postgresql-14-main.log' excerpts.

The `userquota' table looks like this:

              Table "public.userquota"
  Column  |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
 uid      | bigint  |           | not null |
 bytes    | bigint  |           | not null | 0
 messages | integer |           | not null | 0
Foreign-key constraints:
    "fkey_userquota_uid_users" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES users(uid)

(full database structure:

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning “I can’t install Debian.”
                                                         -- unknown
Dec  2 00:44:22 host dovecot: lmtp(u...@localhost.localdomain.org)<289601><wuGoMdUIqGFBawQA03CDDg>: Error: lmtp-server: conn [2001:db8::143]:38119 [1]: rcpt user+dove...@localhost.localdomain.org: quota-dict: Quota update failed: dict-server returned failure: sql dict: commit failed: ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type bigint: "u...@localhost.localdomain.org"
Dec  2 00:44:22 host dovecot: lmtp: Error: LINE 1: ...bytes=bytes+12758,messages=messages+1 WHERE uid = 'user@loca...
Dec  2 00:44:22 host dovecot: lmtp: Error:                                                              ^ (reply took 0.074 secs (0.074 in dict wait, 0.000 in other ioloops, 0.000 in locks, async-id reply 0.018 secs ago, started on dict-server 0.051 secs ago, took 0.051 secs)) - Quota is now desynced
2021-12-01 23:44:22 GMT ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type bigint: "u...@localhost.localdomain.org" at character 72
2021-12-01 23:44:22 GMT STATEMENT:  UPDATE userquota SET bytes=bytes+12758,messages=messages+1 WHERE uid = 'u...@localhost.localdomain.org'

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