> On 1. Dec 2021, at 13.05, Einar Bjarni Halldórsson <ei...@isnic.is> wrote:
>> Adding it to mail_always_cache_fields does not miraculously make cache 
>> updated. Each mail needs to be accessed for that to happen.
>> Ie. With doveadm fetch.
> I couldn't figure out the doveadm fetch syntax for searching so I just ran 
> the search manually twice. I assume that would update the cache?
>> You can inspect the index files with doveadm dump to check what is cached. 
>> Not sure how it went with mdbox storage driver.
> According to `man doveadm-dump` it just seems to dump index files. I tried 
> dumping the cache file but it complains that it can't auto detect the file 
> type.

Try this:

[root@ketola .INBOX]# pwd
[root@ketola .INBOX]# doveadm dump . | grep -c hdr.message-id

This is Maildir, but it should work the same way with mdbox.


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