
You should be able to configure something like this:

namespace archive {
        disabled = no
        hidden = no
        list = yes
        prefix = ARCHIVE/
        location = sdbox:/archive/location/%u


> On 20. Oct 2021, at 16.16, Claudio Corvino <ccorv...@trustitalia.it 
> <mailto:ccorv...@trustitalia.it>> wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> thanks for replying, I would like to archive e-mail older than 5 years on a 
> second storage, it seems like the namespace with a new mail_location that you 
> suggested could be good for me, but then I will need the auto-archiving 
> script that move mails older than 5 years to the archive namespace.
> A question: how can I configure client like Thunderbird to access that 
> archive namespace so that users can still access their old mails?
> Please could you give me some suggestion on how to do that?
> Thanks for your time!
> Regards
> On 17/10/21 12:06, Marc wrote:
>> I am not really sure what you are trying to realize with this ldap 
>> modification. But afaik you have just one mail_location= configuration per 
>> user and that is it. If you want to archive email on 2nd storage you can 
>> either use this ALT= storage location or create a namespace, and configure 
>> this namespace with a new mail_location. The latter I have done indeed as 
>> archive, and after every first quarter I am running an auto-archiving script 
>> that moves emails from the usual inbox and send folders to the archive 
>> namespace.
>>> I have an MTA configured with Postfix that deliver email to an IMAP/LMTP
>>> Dovecot server version configured to bind LDAP/AD for users.
>>> I would like to configure Dovecot to create another mailbox to archive
>>> mails of users to a separated NFS mount.
>>> Here is my dovecot-ldap.conf:
>>> [...]
>>> ldap_version=3
>>> auth_bind = yes
>>> dn = XXX
>>> dnpass = XXX
>>> scope = subtree
>>> user_attrs = sAMAccountName=home=/mnt/mail-storage-
>>> dev/%$,=uid=501,=gid=501
>>> pass_attrs = sAMAccountName=user
>>> user_filter = (&(objectclass=person)(samaccountname=%n))
>>> pass_filter= (&(objectclass=person)(samaccountname=%n))
>>> [...]
>>> I think I will add another conf file, let's say dovecot-ldap-
>>> archive.conf using "url" as LDAP/AD filed to distinguish from normal
>>> users:
>>> [...]
>>> ldap_version=3
>>> auth_bind = yes
>>> dn = XXX
>>> dnpass = XXX
>>> scope = subtree
>>> user_attrs = url=home=/mnt/mail-storage-archive/%$,=uid=501,=gid=501
>>> pass_attrs = url=user
>>> user_filter = (&(objectclass=person)(url=%n))
>>> pass_filter= (&(objectclass=person)(url=%n))
>>> [...]
>>> I then added to "test" user a "url" filed into Active Directory named
>>> test-archive, but it's not working, when I bind Dovecot with:
>>> doveadm user test-archive
>>> I receive:
>>> field    value
>>> userdb lookup: user test-archive doesn't exist
>>> With test user it works:
>>> doveadm user test
>>> field    value
>>> uid    501
>>> gid    501
>>> home    /mnt/mail-storage-dev/test
>>> mail    maildir:~/Maildir:INDEX=/var/indexes/test
>>> What I'm doing wrong?
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> --
>>> Claudio Corvino
>>> IT Systems Administrator

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