On 8/11/21 2:48 PM, dove...@ptld.com wrote:
On 08-11-2021 5:39 pm, Joseph D Wagner wrote:
dovecot[51153]: dict(51395): Panic: lib-sql: Too many bind args (2)
for statement: SELECT attr_name FROM attributes WHERE attr_name LIKE
AND username = ?
No idea if this is the only problem, but the sql query has invalid
SELECT attr_name FROM attributes WHERE attr_name LIKE AND
username = ?
Did you replace the "?" or is that the real query? That is invalid.
And there is nothing after "LIKE", should at minimum have 'quotes'.
SELECT attr_name FROM attributes WHERE attr_name LIKE 'something%'
AND username = '?'
Would be at least syntax valid.
Dovecot generated the syntax.
Maybe there's something wrong with my "map" configuration, which led to
the improper syntax (see original email), but it's Dovecot that
generated the syntax.
Joseph D. Wagner