
I realized that the priv map entry should work for shared too. So just use 
pattern = $key. The username field should always be there for IMAP metadata for 
both shared and priv.


On 1 August 2021 7.10.06 UTC, Joseph D Wagner <j...@josephdwagner.info> wrote:
>This works for /priv:
>map {
>  pattern = $key
>  table = attr_priv
>  fields {
>     attr_name = $key
>  }
>  username_field = username
>  value_field = attr_value
>Not sure what to do about /shared.  I tried, for example, to comment out the 
>/priv map and use just this /shared map:
>map {
>  pattern = $key
>  table = attr_shared
>  fields {
>     attr_name = $key
>  }
>  value_field = attr_value
>However, postgres logs showed it didn't even try to hit the database.
>Joseph D. Wagner
>-----Original Message-----
>From: dovecot <dovecot-boun...@dovecot.org> On Behalf Of Aki Tuomi
>Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2021 4:46 AM
>To: dovecot@dovecot.org; Joseph D Wagner <j...@josephdwagner.info>
>Subject: Re: SQL Backend for IMAP METADATA Dictionary
>On 31 July 2021 9.12.53 UTC, Joseph D Wagner <j...@josephdwagner.info> wrote:
>>I've seen documentation on using a SQL backend for quota dictionary and 
>>passdb&userdb dictionary. However, I can't find any examples of a SQL 
>>backend for IMAP METADATA / mail_attributes_dict.
>>Is this combination possible?  If so, is there an example somewhere?
>>I am unsure what data structures it's expected or how to create the map 
>>entries for it.
>>Thanks in advance.
>>Joseph D. Wagner
>Hi Joseph,
>mail_attributes_dict = proxy::attr
>dict {
>  attr = sql:/path/to/config
>map {
>  pattern = /shared/$key
>  table = attr_shared
>  fields {
>     attr_name = $key
>  }
>  value_field = attr_value
>map {
>  pattern = /priv/$key
>  table = attr_priv
>  fields {
>     attr_name = $key
>  }
>  username_field = username
>  value_field = attr_value
>CREATE TABLE attr_shared (
>   attr_name VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
>   attr_value VARCHAR(65535)
>CREATE TABLE attr_priv (
>   attr_name VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
>   username VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
>   attr_value VARCHAR(65535)
>   PRIMARY KEY(attr_name, username)
>Hopefully correct :)

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