greetings ...
I got the following request from a customer where we run dovecot-2.3.15
on a debian server:
They have a public folder with all their project-related subfolders inside:
namespace {
location = maildir:/home/vmail/oeffentlich
prefix = Oeffentlich/
separator = /
subscriptions = yes
type = public
So far we don't have the mail_plugin ACL enabled.
They want to be able to create projectfolders that aren't
move/delete/rename-able by the users, only by some admins.
But the users should be allowed to move mails between different
projectfolders etc
As far as I understand we can do that with Dovecot ACLs (although I am
still figuring out how to properly design them ...).
My questions:
* if I enable the mail_plugin for ACLs, does that in any way change the
behavior of existing mailboxes?
afai understand: no. Only if ACL-lists exist in the various mailboxes,
these get applied, right?
I don't want to break things, and I want to avoid additional complexity
for the non-public user mailboxes etc
Maybe I can enable the plugin only for that public namespace?
* maybe someone has a link to a similar setup?
thanks in advance, Stefan