Am 09.07.21 um 17:13 schrieb Joelly Alexander:
I do that with two Debian 10 servers - Postfix, PostfixAdmin, Dovecot, MariaDB, Keepalived. MariaDB in active/active mode, each node accesses the DB via localhost, Dovecot with dsync replication, Keepalived for a virtual ip. The MX record points to each node, DNS A/PTR records for the clients pointing to the virtual ip.

you may have a look to

its old  but the loadbalancing part
maybe good enough as a pointer

I separated Roundcube from the mail server and have them running on two separate VM's as i didn't want to expose the webserver on the mail servers to the Internet. There is also keepalived on the two webmail VM's for a virtual ip where the users connect to. Both Roundcube instances connect to the DB or SMTP/LDAP server via the virtual ip there.

Working since almost two years without issues.

On 7/9/21 11:15 AM, White, Daniel E. (GSFC-770.0)[NICS] wrote:
This is a new setup, running on RHEL 8 with the latest everything.

Has anyone out there set up a high availability pair of Dovecot servers
- with Roundcube and PostfixAdmin - successfully ?

"Callahan's Law: Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased —
thus do we refute entropy" (Spider Robinson)

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