Hello Vincent,
this explains many things... :-(
Do you know if the same applies also to other clients like Apple Mail
and Outlook 20xx?
PS: Can you share your /etc/dovecot/dovecot-oauth2.conf.ext
Il 24/06/21 11:24, Vincent Brillault ha scritto:
I would like to try the oauth2 mechanism to autenticate my users.
My Thunderbird client [...]
Not a Thunderbird/Dovecot expert here, so only talking about my
experience. We have a setup here with Dovecot supporting OAUTHBEARER &
XOAUTH2 to allow our web-based interface (Open-Xchange) to use our SSO
(also provided by Keycloak) and that works fine. However, we also got
questions from users about Thunderbird so I had a quick look into it.
From what I understand, from digging into https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/
and Thunderbird source code, Thunderbird is using a static list of
Oauth2 providers, for which it stores the
clientId/clientSecret/authorizationEndpoint/tokenEndpoint statically in
its source code.
As a result, I think Thunderbird can't support Oauth2 for a standard
Dovecot installation without patches... (But I would love to be proven
wrong and be able to provide Oauth support to our users!)
PS: Thunderbird hardcoded list:
How can you respect a machine controlled by a mouse?
TIM San Marino S.p.A.
Andrea Gabellini
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