29.01.21, 12:32 +0100, Aki Tuomi:

> On 29/01/2021 13:24 Markus Schönhaber <dove...@list-post.mks-mail.de> wrote:

>> Nevertheless, since this is a very low volume server and the user in
>> question only sends and receives a few dozen mails, weighing a hand full
>> of MB, per day, I'm at a loss to understand how it's possible that in
>> the user's mailstore 80G of deleted but not purged mail can pile up in
>> just about a week(!).
>> This has happend a couple of times during the last month. And after it
>> happened the last time (8 days ago), I had manually purged the user's
>> mailstore reducing ist's size back to the ~10G that are reasonable.
>> Since then it has grown to the 90G I mentioned above.
>> So, if you have any idea what to check or what measures to take to help
>> me find out what's happening there, that woud be great!
>> I'll start to log the mailstore size regularly to be able follow the
>> growth over time but maybe there's something I could tell Dovecot to do...

> Using mail_log plugin is always very recommended,
> https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/plugins/mail_event_logging/

OK, I'll turn that on.
Thanks again for your help!


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