On 13/11/2020 21:32, PGNet Dev wrote:
> On 11/13/20 11:37 AM, John Fawcett wrote:
>>> still dunno why the 401. :-/
>> So I just did a quick check of running dovecot with a standalone
>> solr-8.7.0 instance and I'm not seeing any issues.
> +1
>> I confirm I haven't configured anything for indexer or indexer-worker in
>> dovecot, just left the defaults.
> +1
>> For 401's returned from your solr server you'll need to look into how
>> you set up authentication.
> FOUND & *avoided* the silly problem.  yay.  TBD what a 'fix' looks like.
> the issue's a mis-handled, URL-encoded "@" in my basicAuth 'pass'
> string, as used in fts_solr =
> my security config included
>     solr/data/security.json
>         {
>             "authentication":{
>                 "blockUnknown": true,
>                 "class":"solr.BasicAuthPlugin",
>                 "credentials":{
>                     "myuser":"my@pass"
>                 },
>                 "realm":"My REALM",
>                 "forwardCredentials": false
>             },
>             "authorization":{
>                 "class":"solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin",
>                 "permissions":[{
>                     "name":"security-edit",
>                     "role":"admin"
>                 }],
>                 "user-role":{
>                     "solr":"admin"
>                 }
>             }
>         }
> and
>     /etc/default/solr.in.sh
>         ...
>         SOLR_AUTH_TYPE=basic
>         SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_OPTS="-Dbasicauth=myuser:my@pass"
> and
>     dovecot/conf.d/10-master.cf
>         fts_solr =
> url=https://"myuser":"my%40pass"@solr.example.com:8984/solr/dovecot/
> use_libfts soft_commit=yes batch_size=250
> changing all
> -    my@pass
> +    my_pass
> so that
>         fts_solr =
> url=https://"myuser":"my_pass"@solr.example.com:8984/solr/dovecot/
> use_libfts soft_commit=yes batch_size=250
> does the trick.  fts/solr is indexing, solr's logging the activity,
> and there appear to be no more perms/auth/access errors.

I guess you didn't need to enclose username and password in quotes, i.e.

fts_solr =
use_libfts soft_commit=yes batch_size=250


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