On 10/27/20 7:52 PM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
> On 27/10/2020 11:32, Gedalya wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The documentation says imapsieve_url "has no effect on the 
>> administrator-controlled Sieve scripts". However, when setting this item, I 
>> get lines such as:
>> Error: imapsieve: mailbox INBOX: Failed to read /shared/imapsieve/script 
>> mailbox attribute: Mailbox attributes not enabled
>> and that's it. imapsieve_mailboxXXX_* settings are completely ignored. 
>> Unsetting imapsieve_url makes it all work again.
> https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/imap_metadata/
> METADATA support is needed for IMAPSieve with user Sieve scripts.

OK, I see, so if I want user scripts to actually work I'd have to enable that.

Why does a broken user script configuration have to break admin scripts?

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