Because when I email to friends that are using gmail, my mail ends up in
spam unless  my friends put me in whitelist. Seems to vary however, and
seems to get better with time.

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: <> För Marc
Skickat: den 26 oktober 2020 09:07
Till: dovecot <>; sebastian <>
Ämne: RE: SV: Looking for a guide to collect all e-mail from the ISP mail

> and also the problem is that gmail imposes heavy spam filters and 
"reputation blocks" 
> meaning smaller providers with low email volumes, are put in the spam 
folder, even if
> they never send spam, just because their email volume is so low (ergo, 
they must 
> prove they don't spam before getting out of ispam folder)

How do you know that? 

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