
I'm trying to migrate from an old courier-IMAP server on which I made a
plugin to access the individual mailboxes with a master password

Emails are used in both POP3 and IMAP.

I followed this guide https://wiki.dovecot.org/Migration/Dsync

In the log I find these messages, which are generated by the server
independently without issuing the command "doveadm backup ..."

dsync-local (xxxxxxx) <yIAgHZtVPF85HwAA9osHUQ>: Error: pop3_migration:
8044 POP3 messages have no matching IMAP messages (first POP3 msg 1 UIDL
UID33550-1353000352) - all IMAP messages were found (POP3 may contain
more than IMAP to INBOX - you may want set pop3_migration_all_mailboxes
= yes) - set pop3_migration_ignore_missing_uidls = yes or
pop3_migration_ignore_extra_uidls = yes to continue anyway

The mailboxes obviously have at least the "Sent", "Trash" and "Drafts"

What should I do? Where can I find documentation of the pop3_migration


Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it

TIM San Marino S.p.A.
Andrea Gabellini
Engineering R&D
TIM San Marino S.p.A. - https://www.telecomitalia.sm
Via Ventotto Luglio, 212 - Piano -2
47893 - Borgo Maggiore - Republic of San Marino
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