> Wrong mailing list. You need to ask on the list for the MTA you are > using (Sendmail, Postfix, &c). Yes will ask soon at sendmail. > Actually, this sounds like a job for a custom milter, which would look > at the domain name of the sending system, and reject the mail with your > message. Dunno if there is one that works exactly like this. > I think also, I should have some contact coding milters. I think this could be ok for things like this spamhaus bad tld list or so.
- Re: SV: handling spam from gmail. lists
- Re: SV: handling spam from gmail. Joseph Tam
- Re: SV: handling spam from gmail. Plutocrat
- RE: SV: handling spam from gmail. KOCIK Fabien (Acoss)
- Re: SV: handling spam from gmail. Hendrik Boom
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Ralph Seichter
- Re: handling spam from gmail. @lbutlr
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Hendrik Boom
- RE: handling spam from gmail. Marc Roos
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Stephen Satchell
- RE: handling spam from gmail. Marc Roos
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Richard Siddall
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Alexander Dalloz
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Benny Pedersen
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Ralph Seichter
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Andreas Born
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Ralph Seichter
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Andreas Born
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Joseph Tam
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Andreas Born
- Re: handling spam from gmail. Ralph Seichter