> On 3. Jun 2020, at 13.17, Des Magner <d...@icandriveatractor.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to set up a new mail server with dovecot. I got it all installed
> and set up successfully but am running into problems trying to migrate from
> my current email server. I tried the following command:
> doveadm -Dv -o imapc_host=[current-imap-host] -o imapc_user=[current-user] -o
> imapc_password=[password] -o imapc_features=rfc822.size -o mail_fsync=never
> backup -R -u [user] imapc:
order matters. try:
-u <user> -R imapc:
> I am guessing the new INBOX is not compatible with the Inbox on my current
> mail server so it is trying to delete it. If so is there a way I can change
> my configuration to allow it to be deleted?
start from clean setup for the first backup run. Ie delete local mails. or move
them away.