> > >Thank you, Michael, for an intelligent and reasoned response. The last thing this forum needs are the rantings of some anarchist with dreams of socialism. > Yes indeed, it seems to be very difficult to stay on topic. >In any event, I question why the OP is interested in Exchange 2016? It has already been surpassed by MS Exchange 2019. I would seriously question the wisdom of using any outdated software, especially if it happens to be in a 'mission-critical' position. Perhaps this URL might be of interest to the OP. >
???? You never heard of LTS etc? You are such idiot that is waiting in front of the apple store, when a new version out? > >I do agree that DOVECOT != MS EXCHANGE. They are two very different animals. Yes, nobody has questioned this. Do you also agree that a pigeon is not a snake? We can continue for quite a while like this. >I have never liked having to use multiple applications to achieve the same results I can with an 'all-in-one,' This is the future. Everything is going to be microservices and distributed (that scales ;)). This all-in-one is nice for people who click next-next-next. All these companies that try to do everything are not speciliazed in any specific feature. Example how microsoft fucks up in this area with outlook. Save send message in folder that is not inbox: works on imap folders, not on public folder not on shared mailbox (wtf) Categories: not working on imap. public folder contacts: do not sync to mobile. The whole exchange server looks like a mess, with all this trace logging on. For the majority you cannot even specify logging levels, let alone do remote logging. Why all proprietary shit? Just offer out of the box card/caldav access. 10 years from now exchange is dead.