> On May 8, 2020, at 1:15 AM, Voytek Eymont <voy...@sbt.net.au> wrote:
> On Fri, May 8, 2020 1:18 am, ad...@awib.it wrote:
>>> Am 07.05.2020 um 17:15 schrieb Admin dishaw.org <ad...@dishaw.org>:
>>> If you use the dovecot lmtp to deliver the mail, wouldn’t it be easier
>>> to use sieve to redirect?
> problem is it's only some emails, that relate to this project
> this sender might send an email re this project, I want it in other tld;
> or, he might send stuff NOT related to this project
> emails relating to the project often include 'stuff' with them
> everyone else, replies to my emails sent from'correct' tld, this person,
> gets me from his address book
> maybe I'll edit his address book ...?

You can setup sieve to redirect email just from that one sender that shows up 
at the incorrect address—something like

if allof(address :is “from" "problem.sen...@example.com”,
         address :is “to” “me@the-wrong-tld”) 
    redirect “me@the-correct-tld”;

If needed, you can add keyword test for the subject line.  I have tried testing 
the body for keyword, so no comment on that option.

>> or even drag & drop in your mail client from one account to the other?
> hmmm, I use Squirrel web mail, don't have mail client, except on phone
> (maybe Android mail client can do...? not sure, must check)

Another option, is to have a script that connects to your IMAP server and moves 
mail for you.  For example, I use a perl script to process timesheets.  You 
would need to have the script open two IMAP connections (one for each TLD).

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