* mj:

> this means those emails are not actually delivered anymore.

Sure. That's how I interpreted your notification text "This message is
sent automatically, and your message has NOT been read nor forwarded."
If the message is not being read, why accept it in the first place?

> For now, I would like them to *be* delivered, so we still have them in
> case something important comes in.

Speaking for myself: If I send email to a business partner, that email
can be a) rejected, so I know I'll have to find another way to reach the
intended recipient, or it can be b) accepted, in which case I expect it
to be read/processed.

What you describe seems to be neither fish nor flesh to me. Using MTA
rejects leaves no doubt that the *sender* has to become active. As I
understand it, that is you goal, is it not?


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