Hi, I'm resending this message, still hoping for an answer.


does dovecot support tls-on-connect for AF INET based auth-client

Rationale behind my question:

Exim can use the Dovecot auth-client socket to delegate the
SMTP-AUTH authentication to Dovecot.

Currently Exim supports the AF UNIX only for this socket.  Jeremy makes
progress in extending this to use AF INET sockets too.

While it works with clear text communication already, during testing I
was to setup the auch-client socket as an TLS server (tls-on-connect).
It doesn't seem to work as I'd expect. The socket still offers
clear-text only.

Here my configuration snippets regarding this socket

   ssl = yes
   ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/private/server.pem
   ssl_key = </etc/dovecot/private/server.pem

    service auth {
        unix_listener auth-client {
            group = _exim
            mode = 0660
        inet_listener auth-client {
            name = exim
            port = 4711
            ssl = yes

SSL connections to :993 work as expected.

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
 SCHLITTERMANN.de ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
 Heiko Schlittermann, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) - {fon,fax}: +49.351.802998{1,3} -
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