Am 07.10.19 um 17:23 schrieb Jonathan Casiot via dovecot:

On 07/10/2019 15:11, Günther J. Niederwimmer via dovecot wrote:
Hello List,

I have to install a "new" system, what is the best way for this. I like to
install a CentOS System but I only found dovecot for CentOS 7 is this
compatible for CentOS 8 or have I to setup a CentOS 7 System ?

The onboard dovecot is 2.2.36-5 :-(

Thanks for a answer,

Dovecot 2.2.36-5 can be installed from the CentOS 8 AppStream 
repository using yum/dnf.

That's not what he was asking for as he already figured that there is 
only 2.2.36-5 in EL8 available.
EL8 introduced some changes that especially affect build 
For example tcp_wrappers has been dropped and there is also no 
quota-devel package yet.
So, it's basically difficult to build certain packages (like dovecot) 
due to missing dependencies that can't be resolved yet, unless one 
builds the missing dependencies him/herself.
On the other hand I do wonder what's the problem with 2.2.36? You could 
install this first and upgrade Dovecot at a later point when Dovecot 
2.3.x is available for EL8?


  • CentOS 8 / 7 Günther J . Niederwimmer via dovecot
    • Re: CentOS 8 / 7 Jonathan Casiot via dovecot
      • Re: CentOS 8 / 7 Michael Seevogel via dovecot

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