> On 13 Sep 2019, at 11:51, Jean-Daniel Dupas <jddu...@xooloo.com> wrote:
>> Le 13 sept. 2019 à 09:29, Gerben Wierda via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org 
>> <mailto:dovecot@dovecot.org>> a écrit :
>> Nobody?
>>> On 10 Sep 2019, at 11:58, Gerben Wierda via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org 
>>> <mailto:dovecot@dovecot.org>> wrote:
>>> I am new to dovecot administration. I’ve read the Wiki but that hasn’t 
>>> given me the understanding I need.
>>> When I query my LDAP (on macOS) on a value for user ‘gerben’, I can get 
>>> that:
>>> dumbledore:~ gerben$ dscl /LDAPv3/ -read /users/gerben GeneratedUID
>>> GeneratedUID: 780D870E-6B00-478E-AB70-3D3307215A82
>>> I would like to use that value in dovecot settings, e.g. something like
>>> user_attrs = \
>>>   =mail=maildir://Library/Server/Mail/Data/mail/%{ldap:GeneratedUID} 
>>> <maildir://Library/Server/Mail/Data/mail/%%7Bldap:GeneratedUID%7D>
>>> Is this possible and if so what do I exactly need to do to get this working?
> As the answer is in the question, it is hard to give you any hint about what 
> should be done.
> What is wrong with 
> user_attrs = \
>   =mail=maildir://Library/Server/Mail/Data/mail/%{ldap:GeneratedUID} 
> <maildir://Library/Server/Mail/Data/mail/%25%7Bldap:GeneratedUID%7D>
> Did you try it ? Have you got any issue with it ?

I haven’t tried anything yet as I am trying to learn before I do anything (and 
trial and error is a very slow method), but it seems to me that just that line 
cannot be enough. Because how does “ldap:” know to go looking in the LDAP 
structure at "/Users/<username>/“ in the LDAP “/LDAPv3/”? Somehow I 
shall have to tell dovecot that.

But if trial and error is the only way, I’ll have to try.


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