On 07/08/2019 11:02, Aki Tuomi via dovecot wrote:

before and after auth?  roundcube webmail reports an error with only
auth_policy_check_before_auth.  I cannot see why.  The simple and lazy
solution is to use double auth_policy_check_!

The double-check is for places which want to implement something like
COS or want to perform validations in policy server *after* we know the
user identity. The first check is done before we even know if the user
or the credential(s) are valid.

I can see why both before and after are options. My more simplistic policy does not need both. I perform whitelist, blacklist, geo and greylist and do not cross reference these with the user. I can't see why roundcubemail fails without both. The IMAP exchange with roundcubemail should not be aware of the policy server. I was spending [wasting] too much time on looking for an answer and gave up.

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