Am Donnerstag, den 04.07.2019, 12:27 +0300 schrieb Aki Tuomi via
> On 4.7.2019 12.22, Maciej Milaszewski IQ PL via dovecot wrote:
> > Hi
> > So you're advised to use a solr or something else?
> > 
> Using any FTS is advisable, currently suitable ones would be SOLR or
> Xapian (see

Hi Aki,

I didn't yet think about using FTS either but followed a bit the thread
about developing the Xapian plugin.
How stable is that now? says above:

"The following FTS indexers (in preferred order) are supported"

but fts-xapian is listed below all others and Solr at the top.

Is the wiki just outdated?


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