Hello all,

I'm currently wondering whether Dovecot submission proxy service supports
RFC 8314 § 3.3 as well, which means implicit TLS for SMTP submission.

from Git master just mentions port 587 like this:

service submission-login {
  inet_listener submission {
    #port = 587

As per RFC 8314 § 3.3, I would expect the following to work (which I did
not try), and if it already works, I even would expect this snippet part
of the future Dovecot example/default configuration:

service submission-login {
  inet_listener submission {
    #port = 587
  inet_listener submissions {
    #port = 465
    #ssl = yes

And if it isn't supported yet, I would indeed like to raise this as feature
request. Note that 465 is named "submissions" as per RFC 8314 § 7.3.

Kind regards

Robert Scheck

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