On 4/14/2019 8:59 AM, Peter Mogensen via dovecot wrote:
I run with

SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xmx8g -Xms2g"

Without other details, I cannot even offer a guess as to whether an 8GB heap is enough. How many documents are in all the indexes that Solr instance is handling? Can you share your solrconfig.xml file?

Being able to configure it is great.
But I don't think it solves much. I recompiled with 100 as batch size
and it still ended in timeouts.
Then I recompiled with 10min timeout and now I see all the batches
completing and their processesing time is mostly between 1 and 2 minutes
(so all would have failed).

1 to 2 minutes for 100 documents to index would be an indication that something is very wrong with that Solr instance. It seems to me that the batch should take less than a second if there is no commit.


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