> On 21 Mar 2019, at 10.08, lty via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
> Yes,
> Foxmail for mac client, after dovecot upgrade from 2.1.17 to new version, 
> imap can't receive any email, I perform packet capture test, foxmail will not 
> have next step after sending {LIST "" *} command action.
> Foxmail for mac client, dovecot version 2.1.17 can receive imap mail 
> normally, because we need to add quota_max_mail_size configuration, we must 
> upgrade to a higher version (https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Quota/Configuration# 
> Maximum_saved_mail_size)
> After comparison, the new version of dovecot returned without quotes.
> I hope that the quotes can be changed in the configuration, can I?


> Can I change the configuration to add quotes now?
>   Or add this setting in the next version.


It's still Foxmail that is broken here. Please contact the authors of Foxmail 
so that they can make their software RFC compliant.
Or stop using Foxmail.


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