Hello David, ----- Nachricht von David Pottage via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> --------- Datum: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 13:58:14 +0000 Von: David Pottage via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> Antwort an: David Pottage <da...@chrestomanci.org> Betreff: Re: Virus scan + removal on a mdbox mail storage An: dovecot@dovecot.org
NO! My mail storage is mdbox. And at the moment I have no intention to convert it to Maildir!Could I ask why? maildir is a better storage format is almost every respect.
well, I have a mailbox with about 50k emails ..., so one reason seems to me better backup performance with mdbox, since there are much less files to save.
Another reason - you can beat me for this - it's more freaky ;-) - no, just kidding ... There was some years ago an interesting lecture from Peer Heinlein about the mdbox mail storage, I afterwards bought his "Dovecot Buch" of OpenSource Press and sticked to mdbox.
But I'll test backup of my mail storage converted to Maildir (which can easily be done thanks dsync)
- If there are no significant time difference, I might then change to Maildir. [...]
The thing is that users will usually open emails shortly after they arrive. Most emails are not opened again later, especially the attachments.
you're right about this. And if a user has suspicions abaout a possibly infected attachment, one can delete the whole email without hassle.
For my day job I work for Sophos (A cyber security vendor), so all this is familiar to me. If you have the budget for a commercial product, then Sophos PureMessage does have postfix support. Technical details here:https://docs.sophos.com/msg/pmx/help/en-us/msg/pmx/tasks/GSGConfigExtPostfixConfig.html Other AV vendors probably have similar support, but I don't know any details. -- David Pottage
I know about Sophos. Since my infrastructure is only for me and my family, I'll use the SAV9-free package ... and will try to integrate this with Postfix or AmaVisd.
----- Ende der Nachricht von David Pottage via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> -----
Christoph. -- Christoph Haas
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