That command is missing -starttls imap? or are you using port 993?
On 15 December 2018 at 20:02 "C. Andrews Lavarre" <> wrote:
Excellent, thank you again.The openssl command I have tried (that used to work with Dovecot 2.2)is:openssl s_client -connect have also triedopenssl s_client -connect -servernamemail.privustech.comI've posted the full output from this to
I've posted te full output from dovecot -n to
Thank you again, AndyOn Sat, 2018-12-15 at 17:27 +0100, Alexander Dalloz wrote:Am 15.12.2018 um 17:16 schrieb C. Andrews Lavarre:to /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.dovecot.imap-login butstillcannot login with either the mail client or with explicit openssl:itcomplainserror:140770FC:SSLroutines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknownprotocol:s23_clnt.c:794:Hi,
that error above typically means to connect with SSL to STARTTLS orviceversa.
Please provide the complete command you issue using "openssls_client"together with the corresponding dovecot logging. As well the outputof"doveconf -n" would be useful to help you further.
Aki Tuomi
Aki Tuomi