Am Mittwoch, den 05.12.2018, 22:31 +0000 schrieb Jochen Bern:
> On 12/05/2018 06:57 PM, admin ( wrote:
> > I have a group alias (
> > (1) Only accounts should be able to send an email to
> >     everybody in that company via
> Do you have a means to identify "some suitable account was used" - as
> opposed to a trivially forged sender address - *other* than by
> watching
> the actual MUA-to-MSA login happen?

Either way would suffice - the simpler the better.

Restricting the sender to be on the same domain if mail is sent to the
company group alias would be fine.

All I try to achieve is to protect those in the group from unwanted
"SPAM", so no one from outside the domain should be able to send to 
that alias ( is quite generic...).
Optionally only chosen senders (whitelist) should be able to send to 
that alias. We do not want our mail system to become a craigslist or 
everbody being able to reach thousdands of people with only one email
being sent.

We are rather generous thinking of mail attachments (up to 100MB).
I do not want to see an email like this copied over to thousands of

>  [...]
> Regards,

Thanks four your thoughts!


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