I have a problem with understanding dmarc reports and some features.
I attach two reports. First one come from google.com, second one from
tumieszkamy.pl. On my server is dns zone of domain kamir-transport.pl but
whole mail service is deployed on Google - in dns zone MX points to Google
and there are all mailboxes, aliases etc. Last time I have configured dkim
and dmarc policies and I got two reports. Honestly I don't know why two,
from two different providers - google.com and tumieszkamy.pl. Moreover in
report originating from google I see IP of my server [which fails spf and
dkim policies] and I don't understand why this IP is evaluated? Second
thing which I don't understand is second report which I got from
SPF record in dns zone of domain kamir-transport.pl was looking like below
(now I changed it to slightly different):
*v=spf1 mx include:_spf.google.com <http://spf.google.com> -all*

Does anybody could help uderstand these things?


*Pozdrawiam / Best Regards*
*Piotr Bracha*
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