>>> On 08/09/2018 09:12 AM, Stephan Bosch wrote
>>>>>> Can you make a pcap log of the LMTP communication between the two
>>>>>> Dovecot hosts? That may give me a clue on which side of the
>>>>>> communication is causing the issue.
>>>>> Yes sure, where I can send it?
>>>>> Here on list or at your address?
>>>> Just send it to me.

On 08/16/2018 10:21 AM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
> Op 16/08/2018 om 09:46 schreef Gabriele Nencioni:
>> On 08/15/2018 06:39 PM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
>>> Op 15-8-2018 om 17:19 schreef Stephan Bosch:
>>>> Op 13-8-2018 om 15:50 schreef Gabriele Nencioni:
>>>>> So the scenario seems to be:
>>>>> the error occurs between old directors and new backends
>>>>> and between the new backends and the smtp submission_host (for
>>>>> redirection)
>>>>> and using the pipeline capability and attaching a file
>>>>> Let me know if you need more info
>>>> In this case it is possible to obtain a debug log by enabling
>>>> mail_debug=yes. Can you obtain a full debug log for such a failing
>>>> submission session?
>> Ok! It is attached.
> That is just weird. Dovecot reports that it cannot fully send the last
> bits of the message and right thereafter the reply is received, which
> Dovecot then interprets as out-of-sequence. The PCAP files tell me the
> final CRLF.CRLF is actually sent to the other side, but somehow Dovecot
> thinks it couldn't do that yet.
> Is this problem occurring for any and all SMTP client interactions, or
> just every once in a while?

Unfortunately it occurs just every once in a while and it is weird
because at the second attempt the message is successful delivered or

>>> Also, I don't see anything weird in the PCAP files: the command-reply
>>> sequence is OK. This means that this is likely a bug in the current
>>> Dovecot version. Those debug logs should tell me more.
>> Ok! Which version of dovecot do you suggest to install?
>> On debian current stable (stretch) repository there is the version
>> number 2.2.27, have we to install it?
> If you're facing big trouble it is usually best to revert to the
> previous version that worked I guess.

Ok I'm agree!
So, about you, which version can I try to install the 2.2.27 or the
previous release of the 2.3 version such as
v2.3.2 2018-06-29 or
v2.3.1 2018-02-29?

Gabriele Nencioni
System Administrator
eml gabriele.nenci...@register.it

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