
When a user is over quota and a message is rejected, it sends a message back
changing partially the subject (depending on the size). 

With utf-8 it breaks the information, we noticed this behavior when the subject
line uses utf-8 and it is broken in more than one line:

Quêm casé erat vim id, vix ín dicit putânt, minim çónsequuntur ea iús. Agam
cetêro tê eôs, ád vim ipsum tantâs expetêndis. Ut prõ vidit diçit iudicabit,
cum út çômmódo

Subject of a delivered message:
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Qu=C3=AAm_cas=C3=A9_erat_vim_id=2C_vix_=C3=ADn_dicit_p?=

Subject of a message rejected with Dovecot Quota:
Subject: Rejected: 
=?UTF-8?Q?Qu=C3=AAm_cas=C3=A9_erat_vim_id=2C_vix_=C3=ADn_dicit_p?=? =?...
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied (rejected)
Precedence: bulk


Danilo G. Baio (dbaio)

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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