> On 29 Jun 2018, at 09:42, Luca Bertoncello <lucab...@lucabert.de> wrote:
> Hi list!
> I have an account (let's say i...@mydomain.com) that should be read from more 
> people.
> These people does NOT have an account on the server.
> Currently i...@mydomain.com is a forward to their addresses, but of course 
> this solution has a huge problem: if info@ receives spam that the server does 
> not recognize, the server forwards spam...
> Now I want to solve this problem and I had the idea to change info@ from 
> "forward" to "local account".
> Then, I can read the E-Mails via IMAP.
> Now the question: if I have 5-6 people accessing the account via IMAP, has 
> Dovecot (2.2.13 from Debian repositories) problems?
> Is there other solution, if the users don't want to have an account on the 
> server?
> Thanks a lot for your suggestion
> Luca Bertoncello
> (lucab...@lucabert.de)

Emails can only be read if they are authenticated / authorized in someway to 
access the store. That means you might need to share the info@ credentials with 
the other
people so that they can read it over imap or webmail etc.


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