Hello, I'm wanting to make a shared folder that anyone in a domain can get to, but not anyone in any other domain.
Here's my dovecot shared namespace: namespace { type = shared separator = / prefix = shared/%%u/ location = maildir:%%h:INDEX=~/shared/%%u subscriptions = no list = yes } The dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext file has: map { pattern = shared/shared-boxes/user/$to/$from table = user_shares value_field = dummy fields { from_user = $from to_user = $to } } map { pattern = shared/shared-boxes/anyone/$from table = anyone_shares value_field = dummy fields { from_user = $from } } and in my global acl file I have: shared/office@ u...@domain.com lrwstipekxa shared/office@ us...@domain.com lrwstipekxa Thanks. Dave.